Saturday, May 14, 2011

Air Soft Guns

    Ok lets talk about the infamous AIRSOFT GUNS. Hmmm...
Where to start? Lets start with them being over rated. Yea.
Everyone thinks airsoft guns are so cool. Just because they
make you bleed. Oh yea. How cool is that? And the stupid
thing is if you go to a big war youve got to put protection on
    Same goes for the paintball guns. They're cool because
you get a big welt when you get shot. And apparently your a pucy
if your afraid to get hit by a 400 fps ball. Im not going to lie and say it doesnt hurt at all.
Because it does a littlebit. But most of the people who do airsoft would cry if they got stung by a bee.
    Now I know im about to get a bunch of negative comments but i would prefer nerf guns instead. Yes I know. OOOOHHHH. Foam darts. Well thats not all it is. If you actually mod them they can feel a bit like a low fps arisoft gun. And if you have a real nerf war. You can get a lot closer to eachother, while still being able to shoot from a pretty good distance for a spring powered gun. And they're also a shit load cheaper.
    So what ever you think its your opinion. If you like airsoft, cool. Paintball... whatever. But i do think im going to have qualify this as "THE REDICULOUS".


  1. Using airsoft guns is affordable and very safe. These are durable and designed to withstand a multitude of conditions. It is safe enough to train in actual duty gear and has great pinpoint accuracy. Thanks a lot.


  2. An airsoft gun is a toy gun used for a variety of things, the most common is the sport of airsoft, it has been growing over the years and now is one of the top hobbies next to paint-ball. They shoot hollow plastic bb's and is a lot safer then paint-ball guns. Thanks a lot.

    Airsoft Retailer
